Monday, November 12, 2007

Why would a farmer with one heart attack on his track record need 1,000 tomato plants?

My father determined a few years ago to plant 999-plus-one tomato plants. The neighbors marveled at his plan; my mother groaned, anticipating a heavy canning season.

At first the plan worked well; but, by the end of the summer, we couldn’t give the tomatoes away, and my exhausted mother refused to fill another jar.

Maybe Daddy needed to plant 1,000 tomato plants. I couldn’t have stopped at 999, either.

Tomato juice runs in our veins. tam

Stuffed Tomatoes
One horizontally-sliced tomato per person
cottage cheese, mayonnaise, salt, black pepper, diced green or yellow pepper

Stir together all ingredients, except the tomato. Re-stack the tomato with the filling between slices. Enjoy!

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